January 6, 2001 was the first ever Operations Run for Houston Area Live Steamers members. For old hands, the CC&S confirmed suspicions that this track provides very interesting and challenging operations. For first-timers, everyone enjoyed themselves, will forever look at track layouts in a different light, and eagerly anticipate the next one. Maury Cash was the dispatcher.
Working the yard is the tireless switcher, Bobby Bridges, engineer.
Brian Marriott assists in the yard.
Making up trains in the yard.
Peter Bryan, Trainmaster, and Rick White work a train at the double-crossover near the car barn.
After making a meet at Lakeside, Doug Blodgett checks his schedule for the next drop. Gary Brothers is the brakeman.
Congestion results from operations at a siding near the yard throat.
Gary Brothers and Jim Cash pass three cars on a siding at Black's Crossing. Waybills are attached to each car with instructions for the next drop or pick-up.
Tom Herbert, Peter Bryan and Terry Waggenspach at Black's Crossing.
Dennis Grigassy and Lisa Cash depart the station on the passenger train.
Gary Brothers checks his watch waiting for the passenger train, (Which is always on time!) to clear the siding at Black's Crossing.
Claude Wiseman, brakeman, with orders in hand waits for the Passenger Train.
Terry and Vickie Waggenspack leave the yard with a full train.
Lee Balkum backs his engine out of the yard after dropping off his train.
Bill Laird also backs his engine out of the yard.
Nick Edwards and Bill Laird load up Bill's engine for the trip back home.
Club President Doug Blodgett and Tom Herbert discuss the day's operations.