A large crowd turned out for the April Run Day. At all times we had four trains running and the lines were short in length. Click on the photos for a larger image.
First visitor signs our guestbook.
Club Diesels are ready to load.
Friendly Ticket Agent, Pam Whitney.
The next trainload of passengers wait on the platform.
Vance Nickerson at the throttle of the 1209, a Mikado.
All Aboard! The trains leaves the station.
Picnickers and onlookers alongside the tracks.
Eric Selber at the controls of Ken Smith's No. 6105.
Visiting engineer, Pat Durand and his F7 entering the station.
Ken Smith conductor of a loading train with many smiles.
John Hannah on his steamer with his brakeman, David Leventon.
John Whitney, conductor with appropriate attire.
New engineer, George Leventon, looks comfortable in his new position.
Happy young passengers.
Lee Balkum, conductor on trainload of passengers.
More excited train riders.
David Hannah III, John Hannah and Mark Hajek kibbitz engineer Vance Nickerson.
John Hannah steams across Cabin Creek Bridge.
David Hannah III and Doug Blodgett prepare to put the 1209 to bed after a full run day.